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The UPSC Mains Qualifying Indian languages Paper (Paper A) and English (Paper B) will be of Matriculation or equivalent standard. You need to score only 25% qualifying marks in these two papers. UPSC does not count the marks obtained in these papers for determining your rank. The paper tests the candidates' ability to read and understand meaningful excursive prose and to express ideas clearly and properly in the English and Indian languages. 

What is the pattern of questions asked in Mains Qualifying Papers in Indian languages and English?

The pattern of questions mainly asked comprises of:
(i) Comprehension. 
(ii) Precis Writing. 
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary. 
(iv) Short Essays. 
Indian Languages: — 
(i) comprehension of given passages. 
(ii) Precis Writing. 
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary. 
(iv) Short Essays. 
(v) Translation of the text from English to the Indian Language.
(vi)Translation of the text from the Indian Language to English.

Are marks secured by the candidate in the Indian languages and English papers counted for calculating the rank?

The Mains Qualifying Papers on Indian Languages and English are of 10th standard level or equivalent and 
will be qualifying only. UPSC does not count the marks obtained in these papers for determining their ranking. The candidates must answer the English and Indian Languages papers in English and the 
respective Indian language (except where the translation is involved).

Is it compulsory for all aspirants to give the Indian language and English papers?

  • Paper A on the Indian Languages will not be compulsory for candidates from the States of Manipur, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Sikkim.
  • Paper A on Indian Language will not be mandatory for Candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability (only Hearing Impairment sub-category) in case their concerned education Board/University grants such exemption from 2nd or 3rd language courses. The candidate must provide an undertaking/self-declaration to claim such an exemption to the Commission.

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