Our UPSC Prelims Test Series will give you Comprehensive coverage of the entire UPSC Preliminary Exam Syllabus through standard MCQs, the nature of questions ranging from factual to conceptual
Discussion for each test will be like a Mini Prelims Crash Course cum Revision cum Discussion lecture (100 questions, which are 100 different topics)
Proportionally focused on the static portion of the Prelims syllabus and Current Affairs (Daily News Analysis for UPSC).
Exhaustive and in-depth coverage of Current Affairs for UPSC Prelims.
Designed to revise the UPSC Prelims Syllabus multiple times.
Exclusive test on particular focus areas like India Yearbook, Economic Survey, Budget etc.
An informative and detailed explanation of the questions.
Designed per the latest exam trends, strictly adhering to the UPSC Exam Pattern.
Tests are designed to prepare students mentally and psychologically to handle exam pressure and help them efficiently manage their time.
The practice of application of different strategies for choosing the correct answer, viz. elimination tactics, avoiding the extremes, and so on.