What should the Candidates do to assure their eligibility for the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE)?
All candidates should carefully read the Rules of Civil Services Examination and the Notice of Examination derived from these Rules notified by the Department of Personnel and Training under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. The admission to all the stages of the examination for applying candidates will be purely provisional, subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. The mere issue of the e-Admit Card to the candidate will not imply that the UPSC has finally cleared their candidature. UPSC verifies eligibility conditions regarding original documents only when the candidate has qualified for the Personality Test or the interview.
How to start your application or apply for UPSC Civil Services Examination Online?
Candidates must apply UPSC Registration Online using the website upsconline.nic.in. The applicant must register at the One Time Registration (OTR) platform on UPSC's website. They should then proceed to fill up the online application for the examination. One Time Registration (OTR) has to be done only once in a lifetime which the aspirants can do anytime throughout the year. If the candidate is already registered, they can proceed straightway to fill up the online application for the examination.
Does UPSC allows modification in One Time Registration OTR Profile:
If the candidate wants to effect any change in their UPSC One Time Registration (OTR) profile, it shall be allowed only once in their lifetime. After the closedown of the application window of their first final application for any Examination of the Commission, the change in UPSC One Time Registration (OTR) profile data shall be available till the expiry of seven days from the next day.
Does UPSC allow modification in application form (Other than OTR Profile)?
The Commission also extends the facility of correcting (s) any field(s) of the application form for this examination from the next day of the closure of the application window, which shall remain open for seven days from the opening date. Candidates who want to change their OTR profile during this period should log in to the OTR platform and do the needful accordingly. Candidates cannot effect changes in the OTR profile by visiting the window for alterations in the application form.
o The candidates are not allowed to pull out and withdraw their applications after submitting them.
o The candidate must provide the details of one Photo ID Card, viz. Voter Card/Aadhaar Card/Passport/Driving Licence/PAN Card or Any other Photo ID Card issued by the State/Central Government. UPSC uses this Photo ID Card for all further reference, and while appearing for the Examination or the Personality Test, the candidate shall carry the same Photo ID Card.
When are e-Admit Cards issued?
UPSC issues e-Admit Cards to eligible candidates three weeks before the beginning of the examination. The candidates can download the e-Admit Card from the UPSC website [ https://upsconline.nic.in]. UPSC does not send the admit Card by post.
Does the UPSC have a Facilitation counter for the guidance of aspirants?
Aspirants can reach out to the UPSC's Facilitation Counter of its campus in person or over the Telephone at No. 011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543 on functioning days between 10.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs to obtain any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications, candidature, etc.,
Are mobile phones allowed in the examination hall?
(a) The use of a pager or any mobile phone device, programmable device, or any electronic equipment or storage media such as a pen drive, smart watches, etc. or camera or Bluetooth devices, or any other equipment capable of being used as a communication device during the examination is not permitted either in working or switched off mode.
(b) UPSC advises candidates to refrain from bringing such banned items to the examination venue, as UPSC cannot assure arrangements for safekeeping.
(c) UPSC advises candidates to refrain from bringing any valuable/costly items to the examination venue, as UPSC cannot assure safekeeping. UPSC will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.