Read the instructions carefully:
Make sure you read the instructions carefully before you start the exam. It will help you understand the test's time limit and structure. The instructions are the same as they existed verbatim in previous years, and thereby you can save time involved in reading the instructions.
Practice Time management:
The practice you have done during your mock tests will immensely help you manage your time effectively and ensure that you complete the paper within the given time frame. Effective time management is one of the most critical factors that can help you finish the paper on time. Practice taking mock tests and timing yourself, so you get used to answering questions within a limited time frame.
Skim the question paper:
Before answering the questions, take a few minutes to skim through the entire question paper. It will help you quickly identify the more straightforward questions you can answer and save time for the tougher ones.
Answer easy questions first:
Start answering the questions you are confident about and can respond to quickly. It will help you build confidence and save time for the more challenging questions.
5. Refrain from overthinking:
If you are unsure about the answer to a particular question, don't spend too much time on it. Move on to the next question and come back to it later if you have time. Sometimes, candidates overthink the questions. Avoid this by reading the questions carefully and answering them to the best of your knowledge. Leave the questions you assess as difficult to the next round of attempts.
6. Prioritise questions:
It is essential to assess and prioritise the questions based on their difficulty level. You can only do such an assessment after you receive the question paper and review all the questions. Ensure you read all the questions and their solutions before deciding not to attempt them. Answer the easy questions first and fill your responses in the OMR sheets at the same time when you are confident about that question. Then move on to the difficult ones.
7. Practice:
The best way to improve your time management skills is to practice. Take as many mock tests as possible before the exam to adjust to the format and time constraints.
8. Stay calm and focused:
Lastly, stay calm and composed during the exam. If you panic, it can negatively impact your performance and cause you to waste time. Take deep breaths and focus on the task at hand. Finally, it is essential to stay calm and focused throughout the exam. Stay calm if you encounter a difficult question and keep your mind clear and focused on the task at hand.
Remember, with proper preparation and practice, you can easily finish the UPSC CSE Prelims test paper on time. Good luck!