“Time is a created thing. To say, ‘I don’t have time’ is to say, ‘I don’t want to”. - Lao Tzu
Ancient Chinese Philosopher
We should start by analysing the questions asked in the UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam and Mains (General Studies) Exam of the concerned subject. This will give us an idea regarding which portions or topics of the concerned subject are comparatively asked more in the examination. But before attempting this, we should be thorough with the syllabus.
• What we do when we get into UPSC Time Management is that manage we manage ourselves. We decide what must be done, when it must be done and how to be done and how to do it in the stipulated time.
• Good Time Management for UPSC puts us in control. On the other hand, poor time management can cause someone to be behind their schedule and hence gives the feeling of discontent. At times, it may cause dissatisfaction and anxiety, further affecting the studies.
• To avoid this situation, it is imperative to plan and monitor the time spent carefully. We can utilise digital platforms for developing our study plan and revising periodically for better retention.
a) Manage your daily repetitive work & study time and habits with FLIP.
b) Studi reminds you to review what you learned and helps you to remember the subjects for a longer period by using spaced repetition.
Manage your daily repetitive work & Study Time Management for UPSC and habits
Principles to guide us in the careful planning of our weekly schedule and proper management of time
• Use checklists and timetables and try to strictly adhere to them.
• You need to figure out what to read to save time flipping from one lesson to another and, ultimately, achieve nothing.
• When you have finished a study period, spend a few minutes assessing whether the period was well spent or not. If you feel you haven’t utilised the time, find reasons and resolve to use your time efficiently.
• Develop the habit of saying no assertively to others when you want to concentrate on your revision work.
• It is important to list your study task in order of their importance. Don’t make the mistake of reading relatively easier and interesting lessons first and accumulate the difficult ones.
• Begin on the first task in the priority list and use your study time wholly to concentrate on it, until it is complete then move to the next one and so on.
• While making the schedule, do not forget to include 8 hours of sleep each night and regular relaxation time.
• If you work too hard and exert yourself too much you will not be at your best when you ought to be.