ACQ IAS Academy's UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) Prelims Test series is designed and conducted the same way as the actual UPSC Preliminary Examination. It enables the improvement of candidates' learning outcomes and scores in Prelims Examination through an escalated approach. Prelims Test series is carefully designed to manage your preparation and keep you on the path towards covering the UPSC Prelims, CSAT & GS Syllabus extensively from basic to advance level.
Why choose ACQ IAS Academy's Prelims Test Series?
- It will examine the aspirants' knowledge, prepare them to develop the right attitude and analyze their strengths and weaknesses so that they can work on them before the UPSC Prelims Examination.
- It will help the aspirants reduce the rate of mistakes committed during the UPSC Prelims (CSAT & GS -2) Examination through practice.
- The Prelims Test Series for UPSC will strategically provide its students with comprehensive Prelims Syllabus coverage and scientifically designed revision plans covering the entire static and dynamic portions multiple times.
- It aims to ensure that our students are ready with all the skills and tools needed to handle any surprise in the examination hall.
- It aids in better time management.
- It presents an opportunity to assess one's performance and improve the strategy continuously.
- It systematically covers all standard sources of study using a study plan.