Map Based Questions are an essential part of the UPSC Prelims Exam, and they require a good understanding of the geographical features of India and the world. Map Based Questions in UPSC Prelims generally require knowledge of regions' geographical locations, topography, and features. Preparing strategically can lead to a significant improvement in scores in map-based questions. Here are some tips to prepare for mapping-based questions in UPSC prelims:
Start with the basics:
Begin by learning the basics of Indian Geography, World Geography and Physical Geography for UPSC from studying NCERTs.Focus on important regions such as the Himalayas, the Western Ghats, the Indo-Gangetic plain, and the coastal regions. These are important from both a geographical and economic perspective.
Refer to maps and study the atlas:
Use maps while studying Geography for UPSC. You can also use a good atlas, such as Oxford Atlas, and supplement it with internet maps. You can also keep a world map and a map of India near your study desk and refer to them often for better retention. There are several good atlases that you can use to Preparation for UPSC Prelims. Some popular choices include Oxford Atlas and Orient Blackswan Atlas. Start by studying the atlas thoroughly. It will help you identify important geographical features such as rivers, mountains, and seas and locate cities, states, and countries.
Use online resources:
Use online resources such as Google Maps and Google Earth to understand geographical features better. It will help you to visualize and remember them better.
Practice from previous year's papers maps bases questions:
Go through the UPSC Prelims Previous Year's Papers and try to solve mapping-based questions to get an idea about the types of questions that UPSC asks. It will help you better prepare and identify areas where you need to focus more. One way is to solve Previous Year's UPSC Map Questions and mock tests.
Focus on interlinkages:
Learn how different geographical features are interconnected, such as the rivers and mountains of a particular region.
Refer to current issues:
Keep yourself updated with the latest developments in Geography. Take notes of important geographical features, along with their location and significance. It will help you to revise quickly and easily. Keep yourself updated with current geography-related affairs, such as new dams, highways, or natural calamities, as UPSC may ask questions related to them in the exam.
Revise and practice regularly:
Revise what you have learned periodically and practice mapping-based questions to build confidence.
Following these tips, you can prepare for mapping-based questions in UPSC prelims. Remember to practice regularly, and remember to revise. With proper preparation, you can master mapping-based questions in UPSC prelims.