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How to Prepare & Write for UPSC Mains General Studies Examination

Firstly we need to understand, what response to questions does UPSC expect in the written part of the Mains Examination? Through the Mains (General Studies) Written Examination, UPSC intends to assess candidates' overall intellectual traits and depth of understanding rather than just the range of their information and memory. will be such that A well-educated person can answer the questions in the UPSC General Studies papers (Paper II to Paper V) them without specialized study. The questions will test a candidate's general awareness of various subjects pertinent to a career in Civil Services.

How to  Write Better Answers for UPSC Mains Written Examination | Tips & Strategies

The candidates must give relevant, meaningful, and brief answers in the UPSC Mains Examination. The questions are designed to test the candidate's elementary understanding of all pertinent issues and ability to analyze and have an opinion on conflicting socio-economic goals, objectives, and demands.

What is the scope of the Syllabus for Optional Subject Papers?

The realm of the Syllabus for Optional Subject Papers (Paper VI and Paper VII) for the examination is broadly of the honour's degree level, i.e. a level higher than the bachelor's degree and lower than the master's degree. In the case of Engineering, Medical Science and law, the level corresponds to the bachelor's degree.

What is the Syllabus for UPSC Mains General Studies Papers?

Unlike the preliminary exam, the UPSC provides a detailed and exhaustive syllabus of the written part of the UPSC Mains Examination.

How many papers are in the UPSC Mains Written Examination?

The Written Examination consists of nine (9) papers of subjective essay type, out of which two papers will be of qualifying in nature. UPSC counts only the marks obtained in the compulsory papers (Paper-I to Paper-VII)Interview/Personality Test for ranking. Candidates who receive such minimum qualifying marks in the written part of the Civil Services (Main) Examination, as may be fixed by the Commission at their discretion, shall be summoned by them for an Interview/Personality Test.

When should the syllabus be completed for the Written Examination of the Civil Services (Main)?

•    It is preferable to complete the syllabus for the Main written examination, preferably three months before the Primary test. You should be ready with short and crisp notes on every part of the syllabus, including keywords, diagrams, ideas, essential facts, and theories. It would make revision easier during preparation, enabling students to fetch higher marks.
•    How much time should one devote to the various papers for the Written Examination of the Civil Services (Main) Examination?
One should devote time according to the weightage of the questions from a particular subject asked in previous years. One should focus on at least two General Studies Main subjects and the Optional subject daily and devote at least two and a half hours to each. It is interesting to note that by doing so, different parts of the brain are put to work. It helps in better retention and memory.


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